Zbrush 4R7 - Scifi Object Modelling

Zbrush Sculpting & Modelling
Zbrush Sculpting & Modelling
Zbrush Sculpting & Modelling
Zbrush Sculpting & Modelling

Hi, welcome back. Yes posting after a long time. Learning and working on new things and as you all know mastery takes time. So here it is. A new collection of Zbrush modelling and sculpting objects. I will keep posting new art of mine. And soon there will some awesome tutorials like always. Or may be not awesome. Yes there are great artists out there, and I learn from them several times. But I post here what I learn and love to share it with great people like you.

This sculpt done in Zbrush 4R7. I used slicing tool and then applied Panel Loops. Later created some technical shapes and applied materials. These pictures are BPR renders. I like the smooth and blurred shadows. Believe me Zbrush is Great Software.

Kindly keep coming back.

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