Hello again. We have come up with a new easy and lovely Inkscape tutorial. This time we will be making a Vector Christmas Tree. The tutorial is easy to follow and while working on it you will get to learn more Inkscape features and tools.
Lets begin with step 1.
Step 1: Create Triangle Shape.
Select the Create stars & Polygon tool from the left tool panel and create a Triangle. You will have to change the corners value to 3 in the options bar resting below the main menu bar.
Now convert it to >> Object to path and select the bottom nodes using the Edit paths by node tool.
Step 2: Add more nodes to bottom Edge.
Now select two bottom nodes of triangle shape and click Add nodes button 3 times as shown in image above. It will add total 9 nodes, but we need 11 nodes, select the all the nodes except the far left and far right one. Click the Show transform handles for selected nodes button. It will display a tranformation gizmo. Press Shift and move nodes inward towards the bottom center leaving space for two more nodes.
Step 3: Prepare nodes to shape the tree.
Now select the first two and last two nodes and click the Add nodes button once only. Now we are left with total 11 nodes which we need to make the tree shape. As displayed in the third triangular shape we have selected the nodes alternatively.
These two steps seem lengthy but when u know how to do it, it takes only few seconds. Its only the description that is lengthy.
Step 4: Creating the tree basic shape.
Now we move the selected nodes downward and then position them as displayed. Later we click the Make selected nodes smooth button to make the nodes smooth and give a curve shape.
Step 5: Improving the tree basic Shape.
Here we have given a curved shape to the object using the Edit Paths by nodes.. Just click and drag the path segment to give it a curve. later we added a green fill and yellow color to stroke.
Step 6: Adding Gradient to the Object.
Add a radial gradient to the object and make sure that both the gradient gizmo handles are same in size. Add three more nodes in between to fill the gradient colors. Add colors as displayed in image above. All colors HEX values are given so it will be easy to fill them through the Fill and Stroke Palette.
Step 7: Duplicating to create the complete tree.
Pressing Ctrl+D duplicate the basic shape and move it downwards little bit as displayed. Now move this second shape underneath clicking Lower One Step Button. Then resize this shape as visible in image above to create a wider bottom.
Step 8: Completing tree and adding shadow.
We have complete the tree shape duplicating and moving downwards each next shape and resizing it. Select all the five leave shapes and press Ctrl+D to Duplicate. Move them all downwards (15-20 pixels) using the Keyboard arrow buttons..
Step 9: Creating Tree's inner shadow.
Keep these shadow shapes selected and remove the strokes and fill a dark gray color as shown and now press the Lower selection one Step button 4-5 times until the shapes move to required position as visible in the second tree shape above. (Remember we are still on the same layer).
Step 10: Finalizing the Shadow.
Now we have the shadow shapes neatly created. But we have to resize each one individually to fit the bottom tree leave area as shown. Delete the last shadow object - the bottom one as it is not needed. Now select all the four shadow shapes and reduce opacity in Fill & Stroke to 50%.
Step 11: Creating the tree trunk.
Create a simple brown rectangle and remove its strokes. Duplicate it and apply Filter >> Distort >> Ripple only once to the duplicated shape. Fill this shape with darker brown color and place it back on the previous brown rectangle. Group it by pressing Ctrl+G and place it under our tree object. Use Lower selection one Step button to move it downwards.
Step 12: Adding shadow to the tree trunk
Create a simple ellipse dark gray in color and place it underneath the tree over the trunk and reduce opacity to 50% in Fill & Stroke palette. Transform it as needed.
Step 13: Adding stars to prepare tree for Christmas Celebration.
Create two stars using Create Stars & Polygon Tool. Remember to add 6 corners to star. Fill one with red and other with bright yellow color.
Here comes the tricky part. Select the red star first and then click Spray Objects Tool shown in image to identify and configure the tool options as displayed in image above. Now drag and move the spray tool to add red stars randomly over the tree leaves. Don't add too much of stars. Limited number are enough as shown. If more stars are being sprayed, reduce the amount number in options.
Now Select the yellow star, click the Spray object and do the same.
Step 14: Adding more lights to Tree.
Create any colored star with 8 corners as shown. Reshape it dragging the inner radius node inwards to make it thinner.(Remember you can do this only until you haven't converted this Object to path). Place this star rigth over the tree, resize and fill will pure white color.
Step 15: Our tree after white streaks added.
Now spray the white streaks using the Spray Object tool as shown. And here our tree is ready to be used in a greeting or a story board.
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